DAVID J. Zucker
DAVID J. Zucker
Rabbi, Chaplain, and PhD
Rabbi, Chaplain, and PhD
Recent Publications
Book Review: 'Maggie Anton. The Midwives’ Escape: From Egypt to Jericho’ Women in Judaism 20(2): 1-3.
Book Review: ‘The First Fifty Years: A Jubilee in Prose and Poetry Honoring Women Rabbis. Eds. Sue Levi Elwell, Jessica Greenbaum, and Hara E. Person’ Women in Judaism 20(2): 1-2.
'Fictional Rabbi Sleuths: A Novel Idea' (with Anat Koplowitz-Breier) Journal of Religion and Popular Culture 1–20.
'Exodus 32:7-14. God to Moses, “your people.” Moses to God, “(No) Your people.”: Explanations Across the Ages' Biblical Theology Bulletin 54(4): 260-272.
'Isaac Knows He Is Blessing Jacob: Who Is Really Being Deceived?' (Toldot) TheTorah.com
'Viewing Vashti: As Victim, As Villain, and as Venerated' Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 20(1): 1-16.
Book Review: ‘Lamentations by John Goldingay' Biblical Theology Bulletin 54(3): 206-07.
‘Tamar Triumphant and the Deception of Judah: Contemporary Scholarship/Feminist Views’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 52(3): 177-183.
'Parashat 'Sh'lah l'kha’ Limmud on One Leg, June 27.
Presentation: 'Moses on the Mountain' Colorado: Retired Reform Rabbis, Denver, Colorado, June 27.
Book Review: ‘The JPS Tanakh: The Gender-Sensitive Edition' Jewish Bible Quarterly 52(2): 128-130.
'Idolizing Aaron: Aaron Defended or Disparaged?' Biblical Theology Bulletin 54(2): 89-100.
'Unrequited Lust: Potiphar's Wife and Joseph -- Examining Jewish and Christian Views', Journal of Ecumenical Studies 59(1): 85-105.
'Women-Rabbi Fiction in the 21st Century: An Update' Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 20 (1): 1-32.
Book Review: ‘Biblical Women Speak: Hearing Their Voices Through New and Ancient Midrash by Marla J. Feldman’ Women in Judaism 20:1.
"Josephus’ Views on the Medium of Endor" Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 37(2): 290-298.
Book Review: ‘Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible: Revised and Expanded, 4th ed. by Emanuel Tov’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 51(4): 266-268.
Book Review: ‘Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs by George Athas’ Biblical Theology Bulletin 53(4): 284-285.
'Malamud’s Modern Midrash: "Idiot’s First"' CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 70(4): 85-92.
'2 Kings 5: A Chiastic Quintet' The Asbury Journal 78(2): 397-412.
'"Why did Cain Kill Abel?" (B’reishit) TheTorah.com. (Repeated from 2022)
Book Review: 'Games We Played by Shawne Steiger’ Women in Judaism 19:1.
'Tamar Triumphant: Targumim’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 51(2): 126-32.
Encyclopedia article: "Nehemiah”, “Noah (son of Lamech”, “Noah’s Wife” Judaism -- Modern Judaism Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, vol. 21. De Gruyter (Berlin, Boston).
"Some Jewish Perspectives from the United States" in George D. Chryssides and Dan Cohn-Sherbok (eds.), The Covid Pandemic and the World’s Religions: Challenges and Responses, London: Bloomsbury.
Book Review: ‘Jerusalem: City of the Book by Merav Mack and Benjamin Balint' Biblical Theology Bulletin 53(1): 58-59.
'Tamar Triumphant: Rewritten Bibles' Jewish Bible Quarterly 51(1): 53-61
Book Review: 'The Beauty of Dusk: On Vision Lost and Found by Frank Bruni’ CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 70(1): 185-187.
Book Review: 'Family Papers: A Sephardic Journey Through the 20th Century by Sarah Abrevaya Stein’ CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 69(4): 202-206.
'Parashat Vayetze’ Limmud on One Leg, Dec 1
'Reading Esther as Abigail Redux' Biblical Theology Bulletin 52(3): 131-35.
Book Review: ‘The Prophetic Literature, by Carolyn J. Sharp' Biblical Theology Bulletin 52 (3): 196-97.
Book Review: ‘Voices from the Ruins: Theodicy and the Fall of Jerusalem in the Hebrew Bible, by Dalit Rom-Shiloni' Jewish Bible Quarterly 50(3): 200-02.
'What’s the Story with “fictional” Women Rabbis?' Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 18(1): 1-33.
'Jephthah: Faithful Fighter; Faithless Father: Ancient and Contemporary Views' Biblical Theology Bulletin 52(1): 37-47.
Book Review: ‘Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, by George Athas’ Biblical Theology Bulletin 52 (2): 121-22.
Book Review: ‘Unbinding Isaac: The Significance of the Akedah for Modern Jewish Thought, by Aaron Koller’ Biblical Theology Bulletin 52 (1): 51-52.
Book Review: [by Professor Dan Cohn-Sherbok] ‘The Torah: An Introduction for Christians and Jews; The Bible’s Prophets: An Introduction for Christians and Jews; The Bible’s Writings: An Introduction for Christians and Jews, by David J. Zucker’ Biblical Theology Bulletin 52 (1): 50-51.
Book Review: ‘Jewish Bible Translations: Personalities, Passions, Politics, Progress, by Leonard Greenspoon’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 50(1): 58-60.
'Giving Each Other a Break' — Torah Reflections on Parashat Bemidbar, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, May 24, 2022, www.jewishhealingcenter.org (Repeated from May 2006).
'God Called: Abraham! Abraham!, Jacob! Jacob!, Moses! Moses!, Samuel! Samuel!' Jewish Bible Quarterly 50(1): 36-42
Book Review: ‘Jewish Bible Translations: Personalities, Passions, Politics, Progress, by Leonard Greenspoon’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 50(1): 58-60.
'Sperm Donation and Surrogacy in the Time When the Judges Judged' CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 69(1): 12-22.Add paragraph text here.
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