DAVID J. Zucker
DAVID J. Zucker
Rabbi, Chaplain, and PhD
Rabbi, Chaplain, and PhD
'Exodus 32:7-14. God to Moses, “your people.” Moses to God, “(No) Your people.”: Explanations Across the Ages' Biblical Theology Bulletin 54(4): 260-272.
"Isaac Knows He Is Blessing Jacob: Who Is Really Being Deceived?" (Toldot) TheTorah.com.
“Viewing Vashti: As Victim, As Villain, and as Venerated” Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 20(1): 1-16.
‘Tamar Triumphant and the Deception of Judah: Contemporary Scholarship/Feminist Views’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 52(3): 177-183.
'Idolizing Aaron: Aaron Defended or Disparaged?' Biblical Theology Bulletin 54(2): 89-100.
'Unrequited Lust: Potiphar's Wife and Joseph -- Examining Jewish and Christian Views' Journal of Ecumenical Studies 59(1): 85-105.
'Women-Rabbi Fiction in the 21st Century: An Update' Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 20(1): 1-32.
"Josephus’ Views on the Medium of Endor" Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 37(2): 290-298.
'Malamud’s Modern Midrash: "Idiot’s First"' CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 70(4): 85-92.
'2 Kings 5: A Chiastic Quintet' The Asbury Journal 78(2): 397-412.
"Why did Cain Kill Abel?" (B’reishit) TheTorah.com (Repeated from 2022)
'Tamar Triumphant: Targumim’ Jewish Bible Quarterly 51(2): 126-32.
'Tamar Triumphant: Rewritten Bibles' Jewish Bible Quarterly 51(1): 53-61.
"Reading Esther as Abigail Redux" Biblical Theology Bulletin 52(3): 131-35.
"What’s the Story with “fictional” Women Rabbis?" Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 18(1): 1-33.
"Jephthah: Faithful Fighter; Faithless Father: Ancient and Contemporary Views" Biblical Theology Bulletin 52(1): 37-47.
“God Called: Abraham! Abraham!, Jacob! Jacob!, Moses! Moses!, Samuel! Samuel!” Jewish Bible Quarterly 50(1): 36-42.
"Sperm Donation and Surrogacy in the Time When the Judges Judged” CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 69(1): 12-22.
“Abigail and Abel’s Wise Woman: Comparisons and Contrasts” with Noam Zion, Jewish Bible Quarterly 49(4): 263-272.
“Review Article: History of the World’s Scriptures: A Call for Mutual Respect” [The Lost Art of Scripture: Rescuing the Sacred Texts, by Karen Armstrong], Biblical Theological Bulletin 51(3): 163-67.
“Abigail of Maon and the Wise Woman of Abel: Speaking Truth to Power” with Noam Zion, Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 17(2): 1-26.
“Promoting Empowerment: ‘Give Me Your Hand’ – Whose Hand/What Goal?” Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 75 (2): 119-125.
"Four Women in Samuel Confront Power–Part 2: Views from the Targum, the Rabbis, and the Church Fathers" Biblical Theology Bulletin 51(2): 68-77.
"In/Voluntary Surrogacy in Genesis” The Asbury Journal 76(1): 9-24.
"Four Women in Samuel Confront Power–Part 1: Contemporary Views" Biblical Theology Bulletin 51(1): 15-23.
"Why did Cain Kill Abel?" (B’reishit) TheTorah.com.
“The Medium of Endor and Saul: Ancient and Contemporary Views” Jewish Bible Quarterly 48(4): 235-244
“He said/She said: Shaming, Blaming … Reframing: Impacts and Implications of Childlessness on Relationships in an Ancient Text” with Alison Benjamin, Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 74(3): 182-188.
"The Rabbinic Spouse in Contemporary American Fiction: The Rabbi's Wife Plays at Murder, and Other Tales Told Out of Shul" CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 67(3): 153-176.
“A Jubilee (50) of Fascinating Facts about the Book of Jubilees" Biblical Theology Bulletin 50(2): 92-96.
"Romanticizing Samson’s Mother" Women in Judaism 15(2): 1-19.
"Erev Rav: A Mixed Multitude of Meanings" (Bo) TheTorah.com.
“My Punishment Is Too Great to Bear: Raising Cain” Biblical Theology Bulletin 50(1): 7-21.
"Josephus on the Begetting of Samson: A Treasury of Biblical Tropes" CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 67:1, 138-154.
“Three Faces of Eve: What Went Wrong?” Biblical Theology Bulletin, 49:4, 187-197.
“Jubilees: Rewriting Rebecca's Reputation" Jewish Bible Quarterly 47:3, 189-197.
“Rebekah Redux: The View from Jubilees” Biblical Theology Bulletin 49:2, 71-81.
“Manoah’s Wife in Late Second Temple Wisdom Literature" Jewish Bible Quarterly 47:2, 103-112.
"Esther: Subverting the 'Capable Wife'" in Biblical Theology Bulletin 48:4 , 171-179.
"Remembering Jocheved" CCAR Journal The Reform Jewish Quarterly 65:3, 75-91.
"Did Pharaoh's Daughter Name Moses? In Hebrew?" TheTorah.com Parashat Shmot 5/6 January.
"Abraham, The Years of Frustration: Genesis 13-14 and 15 as a Literary Unit" Biblical Theology Bulletin, 48:1, 3-9.
"Biblical Studies in Women in Judaism [WIJ]: The First Twenty Years" Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 14:2.
"Viewing Yokheved (Jochebed)" Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 14: 1."Ezekiel -- Shame and Blame" (with Moshe Reiss, z"l) CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly, Spring, 65:2, 74-85."Judaism's First Converts: A Pagan Priest and a Prostitute" in TheTorah.com, Parashat Yitro, 18/19 February (with Moshe Reiss, z"l).2016
"Cold Case: Restoring Rebekah, Intrigue in Genesis 27" The Asbury Journal 71: 2, 115-124.
"Isaac: Sowing in Joyous Laughter, Reaping in Tears" Biblical Theology Bulletin 46:4, 172-176."Ezekiel as Misogynist" (with Moshe Reiss, z"l) Biblical Theology Bulletin 46:4 , 186-190."David's Wives: Love, Power, and Lust" (with Moshe Reiss z"l) Biblical Theology Bulletin 46:2, 70-78.2015
"Subverting Sexuality: Manly Women; Womanly Men in Judges 4-5," [with Moshe Reiss) Biblical Theology Bulletin 45:1, 32-37.
"Choosing Jacob: the Coded Language of Genesis 27" Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 29:2, 233-240.
"Postbiblical R&B: Reuben's Rhythms and Bilhah's Blues" (with Moshe Reiss) CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 62:4, 99-108.
"They Did Not 'Pass,' They Died". CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly, 62:2, 27-31.
"Righting and Rewriting Genesis 38: Tamar and Judah in the Pseudepigrapha" (with Moshe Reiss), Biblical Theology Bulletin 45:4, 195-201.
"'Of Mice and Men,' 'Idiots First,' and Genesis 22," CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 62:1, 111-123.
"The Ages of the Patriarchs/Matriarch: A Preliminary Study" Jewish Bible Quarterly 43:1, 49-53.
"Chronicles' Levitical Covenant," (with Moshe Reiss), Jewish Bible Quarterly, 42:4, 229-237.
"Downplaying the Davidic Dynasty" (with Moshe Reiss), Jewish Bible Quarterly 42:2, 185-192.
"Co-opting the Secondary Matriarchs: Bilhah, Zilpah, Tamar, and Aseneth," [with Moshe Reiss] Biblical Interpretation 22:3, 307-324
"The Importance of Being Esther: Rabbis, Canonicity, Problems and Possibilities," European Judaism, 14:1, 102-108.
"Fury Meets and Greets Sabbath's Theater; Salman Rushdie's Homage to Philip Roth" Philip Roth Studies 9:2, 85-90.
"Chronicles as Revisionist Religious History" (with Moshe Reiss),The Asbury Journal 68:2, 120-133.
"Throwaway Women: Ruth as Response" CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 60:4, 185-96.
"The Prophet Micaiah in Kings and Chronicles" Jewish Bible Quarterly 41:3, 156-162.
"Visiting the ill: Learning lessons from sacred stories Part 2: Four guiding principles to achieve a successful visit: Be there; be present; be a blessing; be gone" (with Bonita E. Taylor) Healing Ministry, 19:1, 38-40.
"Esther, Exodus, Purim, and Passover" CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 60:2, 24-28.
"Elijah and Elisha: Part II: Similarities and Differences" Jewish Bible Quarterly 41:1, 19-23.
"When Saying 'Thank you God for Returning My Soul' is (too) Hard to Do," Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 66:4
"Entertaining Esther: Vamp, Victim, and Virtuous Woman", Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 9:2.
"Visiting the Ill: Learning lessons from sacred stories Part 1: A good word, a healing touch" (with Bonita E. Taylor) Healing Ministry 18:4, 27-30.
"Ishmael and Isaac: Parallel, not Conflictual Lives", Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament: An International Journal of Nordic Theology 26:1, 1-11.
"Elijah and Elisha: Part I: Moses and Joshua", Jewish Bible Quarterly 40:4, 225-230.
“Isaac: A Life of Bitter Laugher", Jewish Bible Quarterly 40:2, 105-110.
“Madam Potiphar’s Boy Toy: No Laughing Matter”, Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 8:1, 1-11.
"Cold Case: The Micaiah Mysteries," CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 58:4, 3-9.
"Lessons in the Midst of Plagues" (with Jolain Graf) Chaplaincy Today e-Journal, 27:1, 32-35.
"Dealing with 'Unfinished Business'” Torah Reflections on Parashat Mattot Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections.
"My Sacred Journey to Chaplaincy" CCAR Journal/The Reform Jewish Quarterly 58:1, 60-70.
"The Deceiver Deceived: Rereading Genesis 27" Jewish Bible Quarterly 39:1, 46-58.
"Seeing and Hearing: The Interrelated Lives of Sarah and Hagar," Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7:1, 1-14.
“Isaac Betrayed and Triumphant,” Jewish Bible Quarterly 38:3, 166-174.
"Abraham, Sarah and Hagar as a Blended Family: Problems, Partings, and Possibilities" (with Moshe Reiss), Women in Judaism: A Multidisciplinary Journal 6:2, 1-18.
"Studying Bible with Seniors: Long Term Education Possibilities," Jewish Spiritual Care [NAJC Journal] 9:2, 3-13.
"Seize the Moment", Jewish Bible Quarterly 37:3, 197-199.
“Encountering Suffering: Ancient Texts, Modern Lessons,” Journal on Jewish Aging 3:1, 13-22.
"Vulnerability, Fragility, Helplessness," Healing Ministry 16:1, 5-7.
"Why am I a Jewish Chaplain?" Jewish Spiritual Care [NAJC Journal] 8:2, 27-28.
"Roth’s The Dying Animal as Homage to Malamud’s A New Life," Studies in American Jewish Literature 27, 40-48.
"Sacred Synchronicity: Israel at Sixty" (with Bonita E Taylor), Midstream 54:6, 4-5.
"Roth, Rushdie, and Rage: Religious Reactions to Portnoy and the Verses", Journal of Ecumenical Studies 43:1, 31-44.
"What Sarah Saw: Envisioning Genesis 21:9-10", Jewish Bible Quarterly 36:1, 54-62.
"Resident's Loved Ones Support Group: An Anecdotal Report on a Place to Share", Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 61:4, 351-354.
"The Chaplain as an Authentic and an Ethical Presence" (with T. Patrick Bradley and Bonita E. Taylor), Chaplaincy Today 23:2, 15-24.
"Women Rabbis (and Rebbitzins) in Contemporary Fiction", CCAR Journal, 54:3, 68-91.
"Restructuring Psalm 47", Jewish Bible Quarterly 35:3, 166-172.
"Support Group for Loved Ones of Residents: Sharing Sadness; Addressing Anger" Journal on Jewish Aging 1.1, 45-51.
"Restructuring Psalm 85," Jewish Bible Quarterly, 35:1, 47-55.
"Peer Support/Consultation Group: A Practical Response" (with T. Patrick Bradley), PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 3:23.
"The Mysterious Disappearance of Sarah", Judaism 55:3-4, 30-39.
"Achieving In-the-moment Reconciliation", Chaplaincy Today 22:1, 20-21.
"A Betrayal of the Their Sacred Trust: Rabbis, Cantors, and Chaplains Who Violate Sexual Boundaries," CCAR Journal, 66-79.
"Women Rabbis: A Novel Idea", Judaism 55:1-2, 108-116.
"Shed Your Sandals", Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 59:1-2, 141-143.
"Breaching a Sacred Trust," Rabbis, Cantors, and Chaplains/Kley Kodesh and Sexual Boundary Violations: A Survey of Sources and Resources, Jewish Spiritual Care [NAJC Journal], Winter 7:2, 12-17.
"A Betrayal of Their Sacred Trust: Rabbis, Cantors, and Chaplains Who Violate Sexual Boundaries," Journal of Religion and Abuse 7:2, 77-89.
"Only by their name shall you know them," Healing Ministry 12:1, 10-11.
"The Riddle of Psalm 49", Jewish Bible Quarterly 33:3, 143-152.
"Ritual for Cleansing After Hearing Gossip," Ministry 77:1, 30.
"Family of Resident's Support Group: Living with Loss, Dealing with Denial," Annals of Long-Term Care 13:8, 45-48.
"The Riddle of Psalm 49", Jewish Bible Quarterly 33:3, 143-152.
"Philip Roth: Desire and Death," Studies in American Jewish Literature 23, 135-144.
"A Still Stranger Stratagem: Revisiting Genesis 27," Conservative Judaism 56:2, 21-31.
"'Bless Me': An Opportunity Missed?," Ministry 76:3, 26-27.
"You lift us up," Healing Ministry, 10:1, 43-44.
"Blended Families: Sarah, Hagar, and All That . . . ," Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 57:1, 33-38.
"Nearly Everything We Wish Our Non-Jewish Supervisors Had Known About Us as Jewish Supervisees", (with Bonita E Taylor), Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling 56:4, 327-338.
"Chaplaincy in Long-Term Care (And Prison) Settings: People's 'Names' and 'Identities' Affect Their Lives," Healing Ministry, 9:4, 59-62.
"Family of Resident's Support Group: Sharing Disappointments and Coping With Anger," Annals of Long-Term Care 10:9, 23-25.
"The 'Fictional' American Rabbi," Proceedings of the 37th Annual Convention of the Association of Jewish Libraries, Denver, CO, June 23-26, 2002, 1-8
"Family of Resident's Support Group: A Safe Place to Vent and Lament," Annals of Long-Term Care 10:5, 36-40.
"When Do the Best Rest - and Why? A Work in Progress", Journal of Jewish Communal Service, 78:1, 56-59.
"Blended Families: Sympathizing With Sarah," Midstream 47:5, 17-18.
"Through a Different Lens: American Jewish Women Writers" (with Bonita E Taylor), Jewish Spectator Review of Books.
"Answering 'Why Me, Why Now?' Empowering the Elderly Through Response-Ability," Annals of Long-Term Care 9:5, 61-63.
"Rescuing Rebecca's Reputation: A Midrash on Genesis 27", CCAR Journal.
"Believing in Angels" (with Bonita E Taylor), Jewish Spectator 65:3, 29-39.
1990 - 2000
"When I'm Sixty-Four", Midstream 46:6, 18-19.
"Transcending Transitions: Jacob/Israel and How We Deal With Our New 'Names,'" Journal of Pastoral Care 53:3, 319-332.
"Betrayal (and Growth) in Genesis 22", CCAR Journal, 46:2, 60-72.
"The Chaplain's Gift: The Present of Presence," The Jewish Chaplain [NAJC Journal] 4:1, 22-23.
"Jacob's Theft of Esau's Blessing," Midstream 45:1, 15-17.
"Responsibility and Response-ability: No Small Gift," Journal of Pastoral Care 52:2, 403-405.
"World Jewry's New Zionism," Jewish Spectator 62:4, 37-39.
"Why Would You Ask My Name?," The Jewish Chaplain [NAJC Journal] 3:1, 20-21.
"Here and Now" (with Glenn and Jeanne Gillette), Jewish Spectator 61:2, 43-49.
"The Marvels of Midrash: Jonah as Defender of the Jews," Midstream 32:6, 5-6.
"Jewish 'Continuity' and the 'Ever-Dying' Jews," Jewish Spectator 61:1, 21-24.
"Shameful Secrets: Jews in American Prisons," Midstream 32:1, 24-27.
"Rebbitzens and Women Rabbis: Portrayals in Contemporary American Jewish Fiction", CCAR Journal 42:1, 1-12.
"Jonah's Journey", Judaism 44:3, 362-368.
"Jerusalem, the Sacred City: Perspectives From Judaism and Islam" (with Jane Smith), Journal of Ecumenical Studies 32:2, 227-256.
"Jews in American Prisons," Jewish Spectator 59:2, 32-34.
"Malamud as Modern Midrash", Judaism 43:2, 159-172.
"Bernard Malamud, N. Scott Momaday and the Search for Redemption," Paintbrush.
Commissioned to write articles on "Suffering" and "Tolerance/Pluralism" for 1994 expanded edition of A Dictionary of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue (Leon Klenicki and Geoffrey Wigoder, eds.), 203-206, 211-214.
Commissioned to write article on "Jewish Mission and Missionizing" for 1994 publication "In Dialogue" of the Interfaith Department of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith.
"Abraham, Isaac and Malamud," Conservative Judaism 45:4, 66-75.
"Midrash and Modern American Jewish Literature", Studies in American Jewish Literature 11:1, 7-21.
"Religion, Freedom and Oppression: A Jewish Response," "Religion, Freedom and Oppression," Papers presented to the 1991 Interfaith Conference, University of Denver, 1991, 35-45.
"Jesus and Jeremiah in the Matthean Tradition," Journal of Ecumenical Studies 27:2, 288-305.
"Conflicting Conclusions: The Hatred of Isaac and Ishmael", Judaism 39:1, 37-46.
Before 1990
"Jacob in Darkness (and Light): A Study in Contrasts," Judaism 35:4, 402-413.
"Coping With Mixed Marriages: When Love Doesn't Conquer All," Reconstructionist 51:8, 18-23.
"Malamud's Novels and Short Stories," Jewish Spectator 51:2, 39-41.
"A Pesach Quartet: Jacob, Rachel, Elijah and Bernard Malamud," The Jewish Quarterly 33:1, 40-41.
"Strangers, Angels and Redemption: Jewish/Christian Images in Two Malamud Stories," Conservative Judaism 37:3, 43-50.
"Mixed Marrieds Discussion Group," Compass (UAHC) 11, 19-22.
"The Structure, Function and Organization of a Mixed-Marriage Support System" (with Melanie W. Aron), Journal of Reform Judaism 31:3, 16-24.
"Challenging Our Values," Anglo-Jewish Association Review 19:4, 3-6.
"British Progressive Judaism - On Status and Standards: The 'Ishut' Issue", Journal of Reform Judaism 26:3, 67-75.
"Who cares? Who listens? A Rabbi's Complaint", The Jewish Quarterly Review 27:1, 27-30.
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