• Presentations


    • "Moses on the Mountain” Colorado: Retired Reform Rabbis, Denver, Colorado, June 27.


    • "Sources, Re: Exorcism" with Chaplain Deborah Schloss. TMC Chaplains Brown Bag , Houston, TX via Zoom Teleconference, May 16
    • "The Book of Esther: A Subversive Sequel to 1 Samuel 25." Colorado: Retired Rabbis, Denver, Colorado, May 5.
    • "Genesis 4 ... What really happened with Cain and Abel?" Temple Sinai Lunch and Learn, Denver, Colorado, January 19


    • “Genesis 1 vs. Genesis 2: a Different View.”  Denver, Temple Sinai Havurah, Denver, Colorado, December 13.


    • Community-wide Shavuot Celebration, study session: “10 Commandments, yes! 120 years? Really??” May 16.

    • "Exorcism in the Context of Jewish Chaplaincy” Workshop for NAJC/NJHSA 2021 Virtual Conference, 20 April.
    • “Esther Subverts the “Capable Wife.” Colorado Retired Reform Rabbis Online Discussion Group, 4 March.


    • "Give Me Your Hand” (Babylonian Talmud Berakhot 5b).  A suggestion for reading this interchange with a new understanding.  “Whose Hand, What Goal?”  Greater Denver Jewish Chaplains Group, November 10.   
    • Community-wide Selichot Celebration, study session: “Sarah and Hagar: Foes or Friends?: Lessons for the High Holy Days" September 12.
    • "Active Listening' as an effective form of Pastoral Encounter" Colorado Jewish Chaplains Discussion Group, 11 August. 
    • “Pseudo-Philo's Biblical Antiquities and Judges 13: Who was Samson's Father?" Colorado Retired Reform Rabbis Online Discussion Group, 4 June.
    • Community-wide Shavuot Celebration, study session: “Naomi: Caring Character or Meddling Mother-in-Law?” May 28.
    • “Cain and Abel: He killed him, but he did not murder him.” Colorado Retired Reform Rabbis Online Discussion Group, 1 April.


    • WHO WROTE THE TORAH? WHO WROTE THE BIBLE? A three-part lecture/discussion series, North West Surrey Synagogue, Weybridge, Surrey, UK
      • Contemporary Approaches to Bible Study" (Feb 5)
      • Michal and Malachi: Reading for Meaning" (Feb 13)
      • A Priest, a Prostitute, a Proselyte, and a Prophet" (Feb 20)


    • "A Priest, a Prostitute, and a Possibility: Jethro, Rahab, and ..." at Limmud UK, NEC Centre, December 2016
    • A RABBI LOOKS AT GENESIS: A two part lecture/discussion series, St Nicholas Church (C of E), Shepperton, Surrey. June 6, 22.
      • Genesis 1 and 2. How the Story of Creation is Told
      • Sarah and the Women of Genesis
    • PROPHECY IN ANCIENT ISRAEL: A three part lecture/discussion series, North West Surrey Synagogue, Weybridge, Surrey, UK January 11, 18, 25, 2016
      • Job Description for a Biblical Prophet: Speaking Uncomfortable Truths (Jan 11)
      • Prophets and Political Power: Nathan and David (Jan 18)
      • When Isaiah was not Isaiah (Jan 25)


    • Postbiblical R&B: Reuben's Rhythms and Bilhah's Blues" at Limmud UK, NEC Centre, December 2015


    • "Angels! Jewish Angels?? Really!!" at Limmud UK, Warwick University, December 2014
    • "Women Rabbis in Fiction" at Limmud UK, Warwick University, December 2014
    • "[Anglo-American] Rabbis in [Contemporary] Fiction," North West Surrey Synagogue, November 12, 2014.
    • "Code Words and Cunning: Rereading Genesis 27" SORR [South of the River Rabbis], Kingston Liberal Synagogue, October 10, 2014


    • "Rescuing Rebekah's Reputation: Revisiting Genesis 27" at Limmud UK, University of Warwick, December 23, 2013
    • "Angels! Jewish Angels?? Really!!" at Limmud Colorado, Denver, Colorado, February 10, 2013


    • "Entertaining Esther: Esther as Vamp, Victim, and Virtuous Woman" at Limmud UK, University of Warwick, December 23, 2012


    • "Salman Rushdie's Fury Meets Philip Roth's Sabbath's Theatre; Parody or Homage?" at Limmud UK, University of Warwick, December 28, 2011
    • "What Sarah Saw: Ishmael vs. Isaac? Myths and Possibilities: Text study of Genesis 21" at Limmud UK, University of Warwick, December 27, 2011
    • "What Sarah Saw: Hagar, Ishmael, and Isaac. Exploding the myth: Text study of Genesis 21" at Limmud Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO, May 29, 2011
    • "From Lamentations to Lamenting: A Sacred Journey." Exploring Healing for Ourselves (and Others) Through Sorrow-Filled Stories" eight hour workshop (with Rabbi Bonita E Taylor). Association of Professional Chaplains pre-Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, MA, March 23, 2011


    • “Jonah’s Journeys,” “Elijah, the Michaiah Mystery, and Memories of Moses,” “Jewish Views of the Afterlife” – Scholar in Residence, Mount Sinai Synagogue, Cheyenne, Wyoming, August 14-15, 2010.
    • “When David Met Bathsheba: Lust, Power, and Love” at Limmud Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO, May 29, 2010
    • "Lamenting with Lamentations: A Sacred Journey to Wholeness", four-hour seminar (with Rabbi Bonita E Taylor) at National Association of Jewish Chaplains Annual Conference, Boston, MA, January 2010


    • "From Lamentations to Lamenting: A Sacred Journey." Exploring Healing for Ourselves (and Others) Through Sorrow-Filled Stories, four-hour workshop (with Rabbi Bonita E Taylor) at Renewal 2009, Saint Francis Hospital and Mercy Community Health, West Hartford, CT, November 3, 2009
    • "Madam Potiphar's Boy Toy: No Laughing Matter" at Limmud Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO, May 23, 2009
    • "Lamenting with Lamentations: Exploring Healing for Ourselves and Others Through Sorrow-Filled Stories" (with Rabbi Bonita E Taylor) at Spiritual Care Collaborative Joint Chaplaincy Conference (American Association of Pastoral Counselors, Association of Clinical Pastoral Education, Association of Professional Chaplains, Canadian Association for Pastoral Practice and Education, National Association of Catholic Chaplains, National Association of Jewish Chaplains), Orlando, FL, January 2009


    • "Biblical Sources of Comfort" at Denver Jewish Chaplains Group, Congregation Rodef Shalom, Denver, CO, December 10, 2008
    • "Offering Comfort and Hope: Jewish Texts" at Continuing Education Seminary, Association of Professional Chaplains/National Association of Catholic Chaplains, St Francis Hospital, Colorado Springs, CO, October 31, 2008
    • "The Mysterious Disappearance of [biblical] Sarah" at Limmud Colorado, Keystone, CO, May 24, 2008
    • "Women Rabbis: A Novel Idea" (women rabbis in fiction) at Limmud Colorado, Keystone, CO, May 25, 2008


    • "A Spiritual or a Religious Presence: Remaining Authentic and Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas" (with Rev. T. Patrick Bradley) at Association of Professional Chaplains, annual conference, Burlingame, CA, April 2007
    • "Using Lamentations to Lament: Exploring Healing for Ourselves (and Others) Through Sorrow-Filled Stories" (with Rabbi Bonita E Taylor) at Association of Professional Chaplains, annual conference, Burlingame, CA, April 2007
    • "The Way We Were: Rituals for Loved Ones Coping with Dementia" at National Association of Jewish Chaplains, annual conference, Redondo Beach, CA, January 2007


    • "Differentiating Between a 'Spiritual' and a 'Religious' Presence: Remaining Authentic and Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas" (with Rev. T. Patrick Bradley) Colorado state Association of Professional Chaplains Continuing Education Day, Aurora, CO, October 27, 2006
    • "The Way We Were: Rituals for Loved Ones Coping with Dementia' at Association of Professional Chaplains, annual conference, Atlanta, GA, May 2006
    • "Helping Strangers in a Strange Land" [Differentiating Between a "Spiritual" and a "Religious" Presence: Remaining Authentic and Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas] (with Rev. T. Patrick Bradley) National Association of Catholic Chaplains, annual conference, Columbus, OH, March 2006
    • "Sacred and 'Sacred-Secular' Stories as Counseling Tools" (with Rev. T. Patrick Bradley) National Association of Jewish Chaplains, annual conference, Ryebrook, NY, January 2006


    • "Judaism's Views of Angels and the Afterlife" at Association of Professional Chaplains-National Association of Catholic Chaplains, annual conference, Albuquerque, NM, April, 2005
    • "Its About Time, Chaplain Self-care, Restoration and Renewal" (with Rev. T. Patrick Bradley) at Association of Professional Chaplains-National Association of Catholic Chaplains, annual conference, Albuquerque, NM, April, 2005
    • "The Jewish View of Atonement" at Association of Professional Chaplains-National Association of Catholic Chaplains, annual conference, Albuquerque, NM, April, 2005
    • "Exorcism in the Context of Jewish Chaplaincy" at National Association of Jewish Chaplains, annual conference, Philadelphia, January 2005


    • "The Use of Sacred Stories in Counseling" (with Rev. T. Patrick Bradley) at Association of Professional Chaplains, annual conference, Dallas, TX, April, 2004
    • "Jews & Non-Jews: Bridging the Diversity of Religions Separated By A Common Language" (with Rabbi Bonita E Taylor) at Association of Professional Chaplains, annual conference, Dallas , TX , April, 2004


    • "What Happens When I Die?  Jewish Views of the Afterlife" at EPIC-2003, Joint Chaplaincy Conference (Association of Professional Chaplains, Canadian Association for Pastoral Practice and Education, National Association of Catholic Chaplains, National Association of Jewish Chaplains) Toronto , Canada , February 2003
    • "The Use of Sacred Stories in Counseling" (with Rev. T. Patrick Bradley) at EPIC-2003, Joint Chaplaincy Conference (Association of Professional Chaplains, Canadian Association for Pastoral Practice and Education, National Association of Catholic Chaplains, National Association of Jewish Chaplains) Toronto , Canada , February 2003


    • "Avoiding 24/7: Learning How to Say 'No'," Didactic to CPE students: The Jewish Institute for Pastoral Care, part of The Healthcare Chaplaincy Inc, NYC NY, November 12, 13, 2002
    • "The 'Fictional' American Rabbi," the Association of Jewish Libraries national conference, Denver, CO, June 24, 2002.
    • "Jewish Views of the Afterlife," Didactic to CPE students: The Jewish Institute for Pastoral Care, part of The Healthcare Chaplaincy Inc, NYC NY, June 11, 12, 2002


    • "Chaplaincy in Long-Term Care (And Prison) Settings" Didactic to CPE students: The Jewish Institute for Pastoral Care, part of The Healthcare Chaplaincy Inc, NYC NY, November 7, 2001
    • "The Passover Festival: A Table in the Wilderness" at American Comparative Literature Association, national conference, Boulder, CO, April 20, 2001


    • "Chaplaincy in the Context of the Prison," Didactic to CPE students: The Jewish Institute for Pastoral Care, part of The Healthcare Chaplaincy Inc, NYC NY, October 14, 18, 1999


    • "Responsibility and Response-ability: No Small Gift," World Council of Jewish Communal Service Quadrennial Conference, Jerusalem, November 16, 1998
    • "Women Rabbis: In Fiction, In Fact" at "Women's Challenges: Our Lives, Our World", The Desert-Mountain Region of Hadassah and the Center for Judaic Studies, University of Denver, May 3, 1998



    • "The Rabbi as Detective: Murder, Mayhem and Religion" at Rocky Mountain/Great Plains Regional Meeting, American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature, Denver Seminary, Denver, April 26, 1996


    • "Sacred and Female: Women Rabbis in Anglo-American Jewish Fiction" at the American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, November 19, 1995
    • "In Search of the Fictional Rabbi" at "Charting the Horizons: Islamic and Judaic Values and Traditions in Dialogue, Contact and Contrast" November 6, 1995, International Conference of the Institute for Islamic-Judaic Studies, University of Denver.
    • "Bernard Malamud, N. Scott Momaday and the Search for Redemption" at Rocky Mountain/Great Plains Regional Meeting, American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature, Iliff School of Theology, Denver, April 1995


    • "Mutual Witness, Shared Witness, Mission?" Panelist at 14th National Workshop on Christian-Jewish Relations, Tulsa, November 8, 1994
    • "Rabbis, Counseling and Sexual Boundaries Violations: An Analysis of Recent Literature" at Society for the Scientific Study of Religion and Religious Research Association national meeting, Albuquerque, November 5, 1994
    • "Images of the Woman Rabbi and Rebbitzen in Contemporary Anglo-American Jewish Fiction" at Women, Families, and Children in Islamic and Judaic Traditions University of Denver, October 24, 1994
    • "Jews in American Prisons: The Jew as Anti-Hero" at Rocky Mountain/Great Plains Regional Meeting, American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature, University of Colorado at Boulder, April 22, 1994
    • "A Shameful Secret? Jews in American Prisons" Seventh Annual World Issues Forum, Metropolitan State College, Denver, CO, April 14, 1994
    • "Inside/Insight: Rereading Genesis 27" at Western/Pacific Coast Regional Meeting, American Academy of Religion/Society of Biblical Literature, University of Santa Clara, California, March 24, 1994


    • "Roth, Rushdie and Rage: Religious Reactions to Portnoy and The Verses" at Muslims and Jews in North America: Past, Present and Future University of Denver, October 25, 1993
    • "Jews in Jails: Prison Piety and Judaism" at Muslims and Jews in North America: Past, Present and Future University of Denver, October 25, 1993
    • "The 'Sacrifice' of Abraham's son(s) in Jewish and Islamic Sources" at Institute for Islamic-Judaic Studies Faculty Fellows Forum, University of Denver, January 19, 1993


    • "Abraham, Isaac and Malamud" at American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 23, 1992
    • "Jonah Revisited: A Case of Rabbinic Revisionism" at Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 22, 1992
    • "Japan and America: Religion's Differing Impacts on Society" National Workshop on Christian-Jewish Relations, Pittsburgh, PA, November 9, 1992
    • "Midrash in Modern American Jewish Literature" at American Academy of Religion Western Region meeting, Santa Clara University, March 27, 1992
    • "Recreating Jonah: A Rabbinic Renovation" at National Association of Professors of Hebrew Western Chapter, Santa Clara University, March 27, 1992


    • "Religion, Freedom and Oppression: A Jewish Response" at 1991 (Fourteenth Annual) Interfaith Conference, Institute for Interfaith Studies and Social Concerns, Denver, Colorado. February 13, 1991


    • "Jesus and Jeremiah" at Central States SBL/ASOR/AAR Regional Meeting, Springfield, MO, April 11, 1988
    • "Radical Religious Fanaticism in the Middle East" at "A Region in Crisis", Drury College, Springfield, MO, February 11, 1987
    • "A Perspective on Black-Jewish Relations" at the Alabama Conference on Jewish-Christian Relations, Birmingham, AL, September 23, 1982