

    • 'Parashat VayetzeLimmud on One Leg, Dec 1
    • “Giving Each Other a Break" — Torah Reflections on Parashat Bemidbar, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, May 24, 2022, www.jewishhealingcenter.org (Repeated from May 2006).



    • "Rhythms and Religious Rituals" Parashat Bo. Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, January 2018, Exodus 10:1-13:6 [repeat from 2007] www.jewishhealingcenter.org
    •  "Parashat Shemot--Introducing the Book of Exodus" Limmud on One Leg, 5 January.


    • "Jacob's Journey" Vayetze, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, November 2017, Genesis 28:10-32:3 [repeat from 2005] www.jewishhealingcenter.org
    • "Balancing Remembering with Forgetting" Torah Reflections on Parashat Ki Tetze Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, Deuteronomy 21:10 25:19 11 Elul, 5777 September 2, 2017, [reworked from 2006] www.jewishhealingcenter.org


    • "Rhythms and Religious Rituals: Torah Reflections on Parashat Bo" Exodus 10:1 - 13:16-- "Electronic Chaplaincy/Torah Reflections", January 16, 2016




    • "Parashat Miketz--Lessons in the Pharaoh's Court" in Limmud on One Leg. November 28, 2013
    • "Parashat Vayeshev--No One Side Has All the Answers" in Mekor Chaim. UJC Communities, November 17, 2013
    • "Exploring the Joys of Ecclesiastes" in The Orchard, UJC Communities, Autumn, 2013, 78-79
    • "Call Me Mara" (with Bonita E. Taylor) in The Orchard, UJC Communities, Spring 2013, 36
    • "Multiple Verbs Highlight Different Possibilities" -- Torah Reflections on Parashat Va-era -- "Electronic Chaplaincy/Torah Reflections", January 13, 2013


    •  "Words Matter" in Mekor Chaim, UJC Communities, December 2, 2012
    • "Jacob's Wordless Prayer" in Mekor Chaim, UJC Communities, November 19, 2012
    • "Parashat Re'eh--When is Enough, Enough?" in Mekor Chaim, UJC Communities, August 12, 2012
    • "Rush Not . . . To Forgiveness?" (with Bonita E. Taylor) in The Orchard UJC Communities, Fall, 2012, 16-17
    • "Turn, Travel, Go" -- Torah Reflections on Parashat Devarim Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, July 20, 2012,
    • "The Bountiful Blessings of Bikur Holim" (with Bonita E Taylor), in PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 9.7, May 2, 2012
    • "And the Memories Linger On" (with Bonita E Taylor,) in The Orchard, UJC Communities, Spring, 2012, 12


    • Parashat Chaye Sarah -- Abraham and (his lack of) Advance Directives" in Mekor Chaim, UJC Communities, November 13, 2011
    • "Reflections on the Shofar" (with Bonita E. Taylor) in The Orchard, UJC Communities, Fall, 2011, 26
    • "Dealing with 'Unfinished Business'"Torah Reflections on Parashat Mattot Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, July 23, 2011,
    • "Courage to Change" (with Bonita E Taylor) in PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 8.5, 4/6/2011
    • "Celebrating our Accomplishments; Marking Those Miracles" (with Bonita E Taylor) in The Orchard, UJC Communities, Spring 2011, 16
    • “Parashat Tzav – An Eternal Flame” (with Josh Zlochower) in Mekor Chaim, UJC Communities, March 13, 2011


    • “Parashat Chukat – Great Changes are Taking Place” in “Mekor Chaim,” UJC Communities, June 19, 2010
    • "Leadership Sets the Mood, Beginning with Us," in Vision [National Association of Catholic Chaplains journal], March/April, 2010, 20.2, 7, 10.
    • "Sefira: A Sacred Journey," in "The Orchard," UJC Communities, Spring, 2010, 11.
    • "Parashat Ki Tisa — Who’s in Charge Here?", in "Mekor Chaim," UJC Communities, February 28, 2010


    • "Why Jonah?" (with Bonita E Taylor), in "The Orchard," UJC Communities, Fall, 2009, 10.
    • "Looking Backward, Looking Forward" — Torah Reflections on Parashat Ki Tavo, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, September 25, 2009, www.jewishhealingcenter.org.
    • "Shamor V’Zakhor: The Blessings of Both/And" (with Bonita E Taylor), in "The Orchard," UJC Communities, Spring, 2009, 16.


    • "It's the Journey" (with Bonita E Taylor), in "The Orchard," UJC Communities, Fall, 2008, 15.
    • "Parashat Ekev - Get a Partner", in "Mekor Chaim," UJC Communities, August 18, 2008.
    • "Bad Death - Responses" (with Bonita E Taylor), in PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 5.9, 06/04/08.
    • "Parashat Behukkotai", in "Mekor Chaim," UJC Communities, May 18, 2008.
    • "Arise, Shine, For Your Light Has Come" (with Bonita E Taylor), in "The Orchard," UJC Communities, Spring, 2008, 34.
    • "Seeking Self-Satisfaction", PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 4.24, 1/16/08


    • "Forgiveness is not Always Possible" (with Bonita E Taylor), in "The Orchard," UJC Communities, Fall, 2007, 13-14.
    • "Parashat Korach" in "Mekor Chaim," UJC Communities, June 11, 2007
    • "Oases in the Wilderness" — Torah Reflections on Parashat Bemidbar, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, May 19, 2007, www.jewishhealingcenter.org
    • "Sefira: the Slow Road to Redemption" in "The Orchard," UJC Communities, Spring, 2007, 14
    • "Parashat Tetzaveh" in "Mekor Chaim," UJC Communities, February 26, 2007
    • "Parashat Mishpatim" (with Bonita E Taylor), in "Mekor Chaim," UJC Communities, February 12, 2007
    • "Rhythms and Religious Rituals" — Torah Reflections on Parashat Bo, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, January 27, 2007, www.jewishhealingcenter.org


    • "A Betrayal of the Their Sacred Trust: Rabbis, Cantors, and Chaplains Who Violate Sexual Boundaries," CCAR Journal, Fall, 2006, 66-79
    • "Journeys Toward Succot" — Torah Reflections on Parashat Ha-azinu, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, September 21, 2006, www.jewishhealingcenter.org
    • "Living Generously: Hineni" (with Bonita E Taylor), in "The Orchard," UJC Communities, Fall, 2006, 22.
    • "Remembering and Forgetting" — Torah Reflections on Parashat Ki Tetze, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, August 25, 2006, www.jewishhealingcenter.org
    • "Parashat Shoftim" (with Bonita E Taylor), in "Mekor Chaim," UJC Communities, August 21, 2006
    • "Women Rabbis: A Novel Idea", Judaism, Summer/Fall 2006, 55.1-2, 108-116
    • "Not knowing the past" in Healing Ministry, 13.1, Winter 2006, 9-10
    • "Between a Rock and Hard Place" — Torah Reflections on Parashat Behar-Behukotai, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, May 20, 2006, www.jewishhealingcenter.org Read as PDF
    • "Compassion Fatigue and Burnout among Rabbis Working as Chaplains" with Bonita E Taylor, Andrew J. Weaver, Kevin J. Flannery in Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, Spring-Summer, 2006, 60.1-2, 35-42
    • "Recognizing Support Staff" — Torah Reflections on Parashat Tetzaveh, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, March 11, 2006, www.jewishhealingcenter.org
    • ". . . And Be There" — Torah Reflections on Parashat Mishpatim, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, February 25, 2006, www.jewishhealingcenter.org
    • "Our Unique Roles as Chaplains/Pastoral Care Givers", PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 2.24, 1/8/06
    • "Different Names" — Torah Reflections on Parashat Shemot, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, January 21, 2006, www.jewishhealingcenter.org
    • "Parashat Vayehi" in "Mekor Chaim," UJC Communities, January 9, 2006


    • "A Betrayal of Their Sacred Trust: Rabbis, Cantors, and Chaplains Who Violate Sexual Boundaries" in Journal of Religion and Abuse, 2005, 7.2, 77-89
    • "Spiritual Hydration"in PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 2.13, 8/3/05
    • "More than the Songs that We Sing", PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 2.21, 12/8/05
    • "Jacob's Journey"  — Vayetze, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, December 2005, www.jewishhealingcenter.org
    • "Like A Well-Watered Garden: Spiritual Hydration" in "The Orchard," UJC Communities, Fall, 2005
    • "Family of Resident's Support Group: Living with Loss, Dealing with Denial" in Annals of Long-Term Care, August 2005, 13.8, 45-48
    • "Spiritual Hydration"in PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 2.13, 8/3/05
    • "Parashat Pinchas" in "Mekor Chaim," UJC Communities, July, 2005
    • "When I'm Sixty-Four", PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 2.10, 6/15/05
    • "A Multiplicity of Meanings" in "The Orchard," UJC Communities, Spring, 2005
    • "Second Chances" - Hol HaMoed Pesach, Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, April 2005 www.jewishhealingcenter.org
    • "Experiencing the Message of Freedom and Dignity" (with Bonita E Taylor), in PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 2.6, 4/20/05
    • "Parashat Va-era" Electronic Chaplaincy/ Torah Reflections, January 2005 www.jewishhealingcenter.org


    • "May It Be A Good Year: The Jewish High Holy Days" (with Bonita E Taylor),, PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 1. 16, 9/15/04
    • "Dancing Our Judaism" (with Bonita E Taylor), in "The Orchard," UJC Communities, Fall, 2004
    • "Make Time For Reconciliation",, PlainViews [Chaplaincy E-Magazine] 1. 4, 3/17/04
    • "Finding New Meaning in Old Traditions" (with Bonita E Taylor), in "The Orchard," UJC Communities, Spring, 2004


    • Giving and Sharing the 'Gift of Life'" (with Bonita E Taylor), "The Orchard", UJC Communities, Fall, 2003, 18